Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Steering Clear of the Myths About Butt Plugs

    If you are intrigued about the best butt plugs and plan on investing in them, you must check out a reputable website to shop for them. However, there are several myths and misconceptions about them in the market that can lead you astray. So, continue reading below to discover the truth behind some of the…

  • Session’s Butt Plug Sets: A Great Addition To Your Intimate Toys

    For those who have ventured into the realm of anal play, the benefits are clear if you buy butt plugs. They provide a pathway to explore new sensations and pleasures while prioritizing safety and comfort. Session, a brand known for its commitment to enhancing intimate experiences, has taken these principles to heart in crafting their…

  • Try Session & Heighten Your Ability for Pleasure

    Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about self-care and sexual well-being. This concept revolves around getting in touch with your body, finding comfort, and experiencing self pleasure. Incorporating sensual toys into your self-care routine is a personal choice. The latest addition to this realm of self-care and self-pleasure is metal butt plugs. If you’re…

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